
  • - 2004-02-09 -
    Senator Don Oliver has reintroduced his anti-spam bill in the newly constituted Parliament of Canada. Bill S-2 includes a number of anti-spam initiatives, including a "no-spam" registry, mandatory membership by ISPs in a new Internet Consumer Protection Council or similar body, a civil action against spammers, and more severe punishments for messages that involve pornography, attempted fraud, or that target children.
  • - 2004-01-30 -
    CIPPIC filed comments with the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services (MCBS) on its draft regulations under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002, as they would affect online transactions. With a few minor exceptions, CIPPIC strongly supports the government\'s proposals which, if passed, would establish a much more transparent and fair online (and offline) marketplace. Other jurisdictions should follow Ontario\'s lead. Ontario government proposals CIPPIC Submission CIPPIC Submission
  • - 2004-01-28 -
    CIPPIC student Robert Dupelle interviews Prof. Martin Dowding of UBC on the issue of public libraries and the possible expansion of law enforcement powers aimed at addressing cybercrime in the wake of 9/11. Article
  • - 2003-12-31 -
    A website that parodies and critiques Paul Martin was threatened just before Christmas with a lawsuit if it didn\'t shut down.
  • - 2003-12-30 -
    Quebec is apparently planning to launch a lawsuit, challenging the federal government\'s right to legislate personal data protection in the private sector. Quebec position is that the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act "interferes with Quebec\'s constitutional competence in matters of civil rights" and that the federal government has exceeded its jurisdiction. See Toronto Star article.
  • - 2003-12-19 -
    The Ontario government has introduced a bill governing the collection, use and disclosure of personal health information in that province. The Health Information Protection Act, 2003 is designed to protect the privacy of individuals, and the confidentiality and security of personal health information in the health sector in a manner that facilitates the effective provision of health care. It establishes new rules applicable to individuals and organizations who collect health information. Press release and Backgrounder Compendium
  • - 2003-12-17 -
    The federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPED Act") will come into effect as of January 1, 2004 in all provinces that have not already passed substantially similar legislation. Quebec, B.C., and Alberta are the only provinces to have introduced their own legislation governing data protection in the private sector. The PIPED Act has been in effect since Jan.1, 2001, but applicable only in federally regulated sectors such as banks, airlines and telecommunications, and interprovincial dealings. It requires, among other things, that businesses obtain the knowledge and consent of individuals to any collection, use or disclosure of their personal information, other than as specifically permitted under the Act. Individuals can complain to the Privacy Commissioner if they feel that an organization has infringed their privacy rights under the Act. Privacy Commissioner of Canada website.
  • - 2003-12-16 -
    The Canadian Recording Industry Association says that it will start suing people who upload music on the Internet, early in the new year. If uploading or sharing music files is found to constitute copyright infringement, file sharers could be subject to penalties of up to $20,000 per musical work. Merely downloading music files from the Internet for private use is considered by the Copyright Board and other experts to be legal in Canada. National Post, Dec 17th. For information on how to avoid being sued in the USA, and on the campaign to stop RIAA lawsuits in the USA, see the EFF website.
  • - 2003-12-12 -
    The Copyright Board of Canada rendered its long-awaited decision on the private copying tariff today. Expected to be appealed to the courts (possibly by both sides), the decision rejected industry calls for higher levies on blank CDs and tapes but implemented new levies on MP3 and other digital audio memory devices. The private copying levies, designed to compensate artists for private copying by consumers, are paid by manufacturers to collectives representing artists who write and perform musical works. The Board also stated its view that downloading music from the Internet is legal under Canada\'s private copying regime - another contentious issue that will likely be appealed to court. Details CNET story
  • - 2003-12-12 -
    The government of Ontario is requesting comments by January 30, 2004 on draft regulations under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002. The proposals include adopting the national Internet Sales Contract Harmonization Agreement and its disclosure standards, establishing standards of notice for unilateral changes to service agreements, requiring that certain electronic records be visible and in text form in order to have legal effect, and putting online summaries of complaints data and records of enforcement actions under consumer law. Details