Identity Theft


Law Reform

The Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre (CITSC) is scheduled for its official launch on June 28, 2012. The CITSC will be Canada's first comprehensive support centre for victims of identity theft. It will provide much needed support services for victims of identity theft who undertake the often long and difficult road to recovering their identities. This identy recovery process is typically lengthy and time-consuming. Modelled on the successful U.S. based Identity Theft Resource Center, the CITSC will operate as a source of guidance for Canadians in their attempts to navigate this process.

The CITSC will also act as a source of educational materials aimed at educting Canadians on how to protect their identities and on steps that can be taken by Canadians to help spot early signs their identity may have been stolen. In addition, the CITSC will act as a source of research and knowledge dissemination regarding the parameters and nature of identity theft harms in Canada. 

CIPPIC is highly supportive of the CITSC's initiatives, and will be participating in the public launch of the Centre. Join us in person at the Ottawa launch, which will be held from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST in the Newfoundland Room of the Westin (11 Colonel By Drive) in Ottawa. The Centre will be simultaneously launched in Vancouver, B.C., at Library Square.

As part of its intention to help Canada regain its leadership position in the global digital economy, the government recently concluded a public consultation process which sought submissions from all sectors of the public on who to achieve this objective.

CIPPIC provided two input streams into the Government's consultaiton process. First, we helped develop and endorsed a consensus subimssion convened by Andrew Clement and Karen Louise Smith of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information. In addition, CIPPIC's 2010 summer interns put together a comprehensive submission that set out 36 recommendations. In this submission, CIPPIC calls on the government to encourage the creation of a digital environment that will be better for all Canadians and will serve as a model for other jurisdictions. CIPPIC offers recommendations on issues such as privacy, online file-sharing, and on quality and access to communications that will help the government achieve this objective.

For more info see:

Identity theft has become a serious, pervasive and increasingly sophisticated crime in North America, one that has a range of negative impacts for individuals, consumers, the corporate sector and governments. All these stakeholders have a role to play in preventing and combatting identity theft.

IDT Paper No.1: Introduction & Background (2007)

IDT Paper No. 2: Techniques of Identity Theft (2007)

IDT Paper No. 3: Legislative Approaches to Identity Theft (2007)

IDT Paper No. 3A: Canadian Legislation Relevant to Identity Theft: An Annotated Review (March 2007)

IDT Paper No. 3B: United States Legislation Relevant to Identity Theft: An Annotated Review (March 2007)

IDT Paper No. 3C: Australian, French, and U.K. Legislation Relevant to Identity Theft: An Annotated Review (March 2007)

The CIPPIC ID Theft research project aims to develop well-informed and well-reasoned recommendations for law and policy reform designed to prevent, detect, and mitigate the effects of ID theft.

Canada's 2010 Digital Economy Consultation