CC accueille les francophones: CC 4.0 French License Translations Released

| June 28, 2017

Creative Commons has published the official translations of the 4.0 licenses in French.  CIPPIC is proud to report that Nicolas Jupillat, one of CIPPIC's past Google Fellows and the lead of the CC Canada translation effort, took this important initiative on and made valuable contributions to what ended up being a two-year effort to bring the translations to the world.

Creative Commons reports:

The French language translation involved two face-to-face meetings in 2016, the first in Paris and the second in Ouagadougou. Unique to this translation is that participants from both civil and common law legal traditions converged on a common translation of the six licenses. CC thanks the tireless efforts of translation leads Nicolas Jupillat of CC Canada, Daniele Bourcier of CC France, and Patrick Peiffer of CC Luxembourg. These three were supported in their efforts by many over the course of the translation work, including Esther Ngom from Cameroon and Prof. Tonssira Myriam Sanou from Burkina Faso, who co-organized the Ouagadougou meeting.

The translations and the face-to-face meetings would not have been possible without funding by Wikimedia Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

Additional thanks for their valuable contributions goes to: Dr. Etienne Alla from Côte d’Ivoire, Simon Ayedoun from Benin, Florian Ducommun of CC Switzerland, Mawusee Komla Foli-Awli from Togo, Abdou Malam Garba from Niger, Moumouni Krissiamba Ouiminga and Philomène Medah from Burkina Faso, Primavera De Filippi and Batoul Betty Merhi of CC France, Christophe Traisnel, Anne-Laure Riotte, and Gwen Franck, former CC Regional Coordinator for Europe.

For details about the translation and additional contributors to the process, please see the notes posted to our wiki here. You can expect details about the public discussion process, language choices, and other decisions to be documented there in the coming months.

CIPPIC would also like to thank our colleagues, Professor Mistrale Goudreau and Professor Florian Martin-Bariteau, Assistant Professor of Law and Technology and Director of the Centre for Law, Technology and Society at the University of Ottawa, and Professor Vincent Gautrais, L.R. Wilson Chair on Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law and Director of the CRDP, at the Faculty of Law at the Université de Montréal, all of whom made valuable contributions to CIPPIC's early work on the French license translations.