Ticketmaster (November 2005)

Ticketmaster (November 2005)

CIPPIC filed a formal complaint under PIPEDA against Ticketmaster on November 17, 2005. The complaint alleges that Ticketmaster's information management practices violate PIPEDA's requirements for openness, accountability, consent , and access to information. Specifically, CIPPIC alleges failures on the part of Ticketmaster to clearly identify what it does with personal information once collected, to protect information transferred to third parties for processing, to obtain proper consent from customers for secondary uses and disclosures, and to respond adequately to access to information requests.

We received the report of findings by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on February 12, 2008. The OPC found that our complaints about lack of openness and consent to be well-founded, but resolved as Ticketmaster agreed to change its policies and practices accordingly.


CIPPIC's letter, Nov.17,2005.