Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2007-16 (Consumer Complaints Agency)

CCTS -- Consumer Complaints aGENCY (TPN CRTC 2007-16)

Further to an Order-in-Council issued by the Canadian government (federal Cabinet; Minister of Industry) in April 2007, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) initiated a proceeding in August 2007 to establish a Telecommications Consumer Complaints Agency. A group of telecommunications service providers ("TSPs") meanwhile responded to the Ministerial direction by establishing the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services. The CRTC's public notice invited comments, by Oct.1 2007, on the appropriate structure and mandate of the new Agency, and on the industry proposal. An oral hearing was held in November 2007, and the Commission issued its decision on Dec.20, 2007.


In February, 2008, a number of TSPs applied to the CRTC for a "review and variance" of (ie., appealed) Decision 2007-130. In particular, they objected to the CRTC's decision to make participation in the new agency mandatory, to allow the agency to disregard TSP liability limitations in the awarding of up to $5,000 compensation, and to allow collective and representative complaints to the new agency. CIPPIC replied to these Applications on March 5, 2007.