Privacy Commissioner Wades In on Copyright Revision

| November 26, 2004
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada has indicated her intent to become involved in the process to amend Canada's copyright laws. In a letter to CIPPIC dated November 24, 2004, and responding to CIPPIC's earlier request to address the privacy implications of proposed copyright legislation, the Commissioner stated that the Privacy Commission "would oppose legislation or legislative amendments that conferred unjustified privacy-invasive surveillance powers upon digital copyright holders. However, we have not as yet been consulted by either Heritage Canada or Industry Canada officials regarding the proposed legislation referred to in your letter. I have instructed my staff to initiate a dialogue with these departments to ensure that privacy risks are identified and addressed." CIIPIC has also been actively encouraging the provincial privacy commissioners to address the privacy implications of proposed copyright legislation. The provincial commissioners have begun signaling their support of the federal Privacy Commissioner's initiative. The Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia and the Ombudsman of New Brunswick have both been in touch with CIPPIC to affirm their awareness of the issue and to offer their support to the federal Privacy Commissioner.