Computers Freedom and Privacy 2011: The Future Is Now
Early registration is now open for CFP2011! This will be the 21st iteration of the annual conference, which explores cutting edge issues related to the intersection between computers, privacy and freedom. This year, CFP will be held in Washington D.C. and will explore the role of social media in Middle East/North Africa democratic movements, the growing impact of mobile personal computing on freedom and privacy, as well as a host of other issues including the smart grid, e-health records, net neutrality, Identity management, and growing trends towards ubiquitous surveillance.
Keynote speakers include behavioural economist Alessandro Acquisti, social researcher danah boyd, Cameron Kerry of the U.S. Commerce department, Tunisian blogger, social activist, and Advocacy Director for global voices, Sami ben Gharbia, and security technologist Bruce Schneier. Additional speakers to be announced soon.
The conference will run from June 14-16, 2011 and will take place at the Georgetown Law Center in Washington D.C. Early registration end May 20. Register now!