CIPPIC Joins Consumer Protection Groups in Calling for Consumer Benefits from BCE/CTV Merger
| January 11, 2011
CIPPIC has joined the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and other consumer protection groups in calling on the CRTC to create a Canadian Broadcasting Participation Fund, which will allow Canadians to participate in Broadcasting proceedings in order to ensure their views are heard. Currently, there is no mechanism for funding such participation, which is often beyond the resources of many Canadians and organizations representing them. Yet, particularly in light of increasing convergence between broadcasting and new media, many broadcasting decisions can impact significantly on individual Canadians.
The CRTC requires those such as BCE who are taking control of a major broadcasting entity such as CTV to devote a percentage of the value of their purchase to furthering the greater public benefit. CIPPIC and others have suggested that a portion of these benefits be allocated to funding public participation in future broadcasting consultations and proceedings.