CIPPIC provides Facebook with Statement of Concern

| February 23, 2010
On Friday, February 19, 2010, CIPPIC provided Facebook and the Privacy Commissioner a statement highlighting its concerns with respect to recent changes on  The statement is intended as a follow up to CIPPIC's initial privacy complaint against Facebook and the Commissioner's resulting Report of Findings and follow up letter of resolution.  It concludes that Facebook has failed in a number of ways to live up to standards set out in that Report of Findings, and asks for remedial measures and a response within 30 days.  In particular, it alleges that Facebook did not have the informed, meaningful consent of its users for new defualt privacy settings it has imposed on them and asks that Facebook commit to undoing these changes. It also asks that Facebook ceases its current practice of forcing users to share information categories it deems 'publicly available'.  The deadline for compliance is March 22, 2010.