Massive Canadian Business Coalition Demands Balanced Copyright

| February 13, 2008

Michael Geist is reporting that a large, broad-based coalition of Canadian businesses has formed to demand balanced copyright laws.  The Business Coalition for Balanced Copyright brings together giants in the Canadian technology space, including membership organizations such as the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB), Canadian Association of Internet Providers, a division of CATAlliance (CAIP), Canadian Cable Systems Alliance (CCSA), Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association (CWTA), Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), Retail Council of Canada (RCC), and dozens of individual companies including Google, Third Brigade, Tucows, Yahoo! Canada, Cogeco, Rogers Communications Inc., and Telus.  The coalition proposes a series of amendments to the Copyright Act that include expanded fair dealing, anti-circumvention laws that do not prohibit otherwise lawful dealings, and no liability for ISPs that act neutrally towards content.  
- Google has blogged about the coalition
- Michael Geist has posted a copy of the coalition's current document