Court approves modified SonyBMG Rootkit settlement

| September 21, 2006
Justice Winkler of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice today approved a settlement in the Ontario class action against SonyBMG. Canadian consumers of affected CDs are entitled to an $8.40 refund and/or free downloads, if they present Sony with receipts or return the disk. As a result of CIPPIC's objection, the approved settlement includes a new clause requiring Sony to notify class counsel (who will then notify CIPPIC) if Sony decides to introduce any similarly-bugged CDs in the Canadian market prior to Dec.31, 2007. The judge noted that "this is one of those rare cases where the principal result of the litigation is more broadly based, the discontinuance of this practice by the defendant and beneficial impact of this on the general public and consumers." Unofficial copy of Judicial Endorsement of Settlement Agreement Notice to Class Members