TNC CRTC 2010-43-2 (Wireless Network Neutrality)

Wireless Network Neutrality (TNC CRTC 2010-43-2)

In response to the growing role mobile Internet is playing in Canadian society as well to broad stakeholder consensus, the CRTC today issued Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-445, taking back the Commission's powers to act against unjust discrimination and undue preference by mobile data service providers. In response to requests by CIPPIC (acting on behalf of, the Commission additionally applied its Internet traffic management rules, intended to protect Net Neutrality, to mobile Internet. Under these rules, service providers will only be permitted to discriminate by throttling particular mobile data services where there is a problem that cannot be addressed by without throttling, and where the chosen method of throttling is narrowly tailored to the problem and minimally intrusive of user experiences.

As the traffic management rules were first developed in a separate proceeding, more information on this matter can be found in our general net neutrality resource page:
